Download: _~ Ennea ~6~.m4a

Download: Ennea ~1~.m4a

Menu of Soundscapes


 listen                               follow                       flow

transend  together ~breath and flute~ to the next octave

Download: Ennea ~9~.m4a




The only way we can see the wind is by what it moves. Flight Interrupted, strikes me  a symbol for the barriers we can’t see, the spirit/material divide.

InTent holds space at this  threshold

A dove was taking a dust bath outside my window when it was suddenly spooked and flew up and crashed into the glass. It flew off a minute later, stunned but fine. I photographed its dusty imprint on the glass. I have altered the window treatment to prevent further incidents.


InTent is an immersive, multi sense experience.       A  personal  journey into inner space.  With this experiences I seek to extend the capacity and capability for a deep inner-self  exploration. The ephemeral walls of the tent  create a metaphor for  the  shift of attention from the outer to an inner focus.  To consciously expand my band width and ability to perceive from other senses, especially the heart and Soul.   It is  a set and setting to open my imagination, creativity, and insights. A time to let my intuition decide what we do inside. To facilitate a conversation  and a place to CoCreate together.

The soundscapes drive these experiences, holding space and time with sound.  They are composed of  mixes of  nature music, human music, as well as music that is co-created with nature, a wind harp on a beach, and is a sea organ in Croatia. Some have words from poets ,mystics and others who have traveled into the unseen and found words to express  the wonders of creation they glimpsed . There is a bell  that sounds in a  Fibonacci sequences to carry you into the deep.. And there are frequencies, vibrations  and Tibetan bowls. Some tones that are synced with brain waves, and 528 Hz , the "Love frequency".  Sounds that lure the traveler into  a deeper dimension and open the imagination..

The Visuals are digital prints drawn from my nature photography. Shot on an I phone and printed on fabric by Spoonflower, an on line printing service. I am exploring different ways to use images ofnature as a portal to open and expand ones attention and imagination.
Design Principals                                                                1. Extend the life of existing materials, reuse, repurpose and up cycle.   Use "off the shelf "components.

2. Zero waste. Designed to the module of the yardage.

3. Easy to  customize, and encourages creative participation.

4. Beauty is essential, include nature and human creations.

5. Portable, flexible, transformable.

Examples ~A Tent hangs from a single point above and can be hung over the floor. a chair, a bed, raised or lowered and break down to components. I've used old tent poles, umbrella structure, mosquito nets, etc. Everything else is off-the-shelf, ~ office and sewing supplies, fishing tackle, Balance is part of the process.              

~ Inner space is the new frontier~

~From the imagination springs~

creativity - inspiration - insight


Aspen Tent

As a set and setting to facilitate meditation, imagination, creativity and a conversation with something eternal


          InTent~1 intuition  driven / multi sensory experiance  

InTent is : An inner walkabout following subtle forces. An Incubator for the imagination and an oasis for elevation.

Trail Head              
The 4
Choices of 3
Choice of 4
If you have selected a Pearl,1st listen to the words Robert Holden has chosen to beautifully express the the different  perspectives. ( below)
~ Then Choose one of 3 soundscapes~ diamond symbol~ to pair with the point of view you will be contemplating.  
~While  listening  to  the soundscape, drop into an open, receptive state,  ask yourself the questions, and consider the  guidance from the Ennea point written in the image below. ~ Imagine.~

Theta Trail Map ~ Abstract

Legend of Soundscape Symbols

Pearls of the Enneagram

        ~Tents ~

hold space for an inner self journey.

Menu of Soundscapes

To Listen  link to Audius
links to  Mixes  & ConTents of  Symbols  
The 4 corners


Fire / West
Air / South

Download: Ennea.~ 8~.m4a

Audio clips from Robert Holden & Caroline Myss~ *Purpose & the Enneagram   2 to 7 min.

Download: Ennea ~7~.m4a

EVOLVE                                SURRENDER                              EXPLORE

Download: Ennea ~4~.m4a

Download: Ennea~3~.m4a

Download: Ennea~2~.m4a

The beginning of each audio allows you time drop into a mind state that is calm and present.  Then quietly read the words from the Pearls of the Enneagram Legend and ask  yourself the queries. Consider how engaging this perspective might help you on your path.

Soundscapes to Back up the Ground you are exploring , and  to  fuel  your  imagination

Download: Ennea ~5~.m4a
The Threshold
Threads & Practices

listen here

~6~ Thread 3rd Act
pointer wedge
pointer small wedge
pointer small wedge
pointer small wedge

We are living in the energetic era of the psyche and the soul.

>Where Intuition is an inner guidance system. >To amplify the capacity to comprehend the texture of the moment you’re in.  >Where we can expand our consciousness to receive timeless resources (intelligence, insight, inspiration).                                       Notes from Caroline Myss

Mystic source
pointer wedge

*Energy languages~Muscle testing~Pendulums~Dowsing~Balance~ +        


The Enneagram maps out the landscape of human personalities. Nine different lenses interconnected in a system. A system of relationships and energetics that interconnect . Each Ennea type has a spectrum from high function to pathos. Different pulls and pushes, attraction and resistance, strength and weakness.The map also illustrates the the value in diversity, a diagram for working in community.

A Facade is a piece of fabric that is attached to, or over an existing garment with many possible variations and visual arrangements.  For structure~ belts and underclothes ,office clips.. safety pins, fishing tackle, etc.

Pearls represent, or speak to the core purpose  of the 9 different Enneagram types. Each point has a different  insight to share.

Flight Interrupted

Note - This website is a work in progress, refresh for update

. It is a playground for  creating together with my Higher Self.  Where breath and flute can play. Abstract Theta  Map has19 Soundscapes   Each piece is both an individual experience and part of the whole piece. Listen to all of the pieces for the bigger picture or just the ones that you are drawn to.

These audios are weavings of sounds and words that transport the state of mind and  imagination. The Tents hold space for the shift to the Inner self.  Maps and Legends lay down an infrastructure for communication.    A network to receive guidance and directions to follow for a personal inner journey.

Instructions- Follow your intuition, or however you pick up energetics signals*, ie strong/ weak or positive/negative charges. Follow a path until a symbol or pearl is selected.  My experience has been, that all of the choices lead to positive, and uplifting experiences.  

~For a good connection, start from a place where you feel  safe, present and open, neutral and curious

~First, ask if they would like to engage in this experience.    

~(✔️in) ~If yes, follow their directions till they select a Symbol or a Pearl.   Symbols are soundscapes,  the Pearls are a focus or point of view to contemplate while listening to one of the BackGround soundscapes.

~Once you have your directions, move into a space that is comfortable and private, with no distractions or interruptions and a good sound device. An ideal space allows a full range of motion in a settled position, and includes beauty. Creating a space that is comfortable, beautiful and balanced has helped me return more easily to an open, present  mind state.   For this connection to be strong , I always check in and  only enter the space when I am cleared for takeoff. Some of the trips are a bit long, so be prepared for what you are given.      

The Soundscapes are mixes of: Music, Nature Sounds, Words from mystics, poets and guidance. They include: tones ,vibrations, a bell in a Fibonacci sequence and co created music like a wind harp. Sounds that transport. Facilitating a time and place for weaving higher consciousness, heart energy, and elevation.


Tree branches
Facade of Thresholds
 Lichen & White Sage
Dry Earth o/Water
1 yard

1/2 yard

Start in the ✔️in. There are three choices, left, right or center.

Left and right take you to the 4 corners.

The Center arrow takes you to the Trail Head. From the Trail head there are three choices, and then three more choices.…. Follow a path till you receive the positive sign for a symbol or a pearl.

Navigation instructions

Song Lines

Thread to the Threshold ~ A 9 stop Journey~    
Each bird represents 1 of the Stops. Chose one and listen on mixcloud
An audio journey in many steps.


InTent ~1 is a work of fiction about a shift in humanity to a higher dimension. Travelers come to connect and converse with their Higher Selves. Looking for a way to New Earth, a place where  people live from a higher dimension, in a higher frequency. They live in peace, love, balance. Everyone is interconnected. Fiction might turn into nonfiction if it is imagined in to being by enough people. As each person's inner light is ignited, the shift increases speed.   Moving towards New Earth.

InTent is a vehicle that is intuition driven. It is a multi sense and multi dimensional experience and it has an infrastructure for navigation. An interactive guidance system for giving  your {Intuition/Higher Self/Soul}* a say in where you go, what you listen to and when.    

North  West
East South

 ~Listen-Follow- Flow- Transend together.   Flute. + Breath to make a celestial note to join in the chorus in the Next Octave.

InTent ~1 is composed of ~  an abstract Trail Map of a landscape where travelers follow their guides to a Symbol, a Pearl, or a Bird. There are  19 Symbols, 9 Pearls of the Enneagram, and 7 Birds, from a  9  Episode Song Line  ~Thread to the Threshold


Each episode has three acts. The high bell signals the end of an act.

First ~Mind state, shifting to higher consciousness. Meditations.

Second ~Inspiration. Words from poets, mystics and guidance through cards.

Third ~Contemplation, integration & point of View.  The focus of each step on the journey as laid out from a Tarot card spread. The guidance for navigating the shift to the higher  Octave


Audius Tracks

Audius Tracks

Audius Tracks

Mixcloud tracks


Active Journeys


Play : Water -#2- 5_30_23,.m4a

The 4 ~Corners, Directions & Elements - These soundscapes are longer and more in depth. Click the color strip to listen.


Becoming -  26:47 min. ~ Earth, North



Act 1-  Mind & Heart meditation 12.5 min

Mix. ~Nature Sounds -rain on a tent, thunder, creek and birds.~Music~ Anna Wise and Josh Leeds. ~Vibrations and bells.~Guided meditation

Act 2- Gemseed

The Mix~Poem ~ Mark Nepo~Music ~ Apocaliptica covering a Metallica song, “Nothing Else Matters”.~ Nature,~birds recorded at Yellowstone national Park and streams.

Act 3~Nature- Waves at the beach with children.

Mix ~Music- Co-Created, wind harp played by wind at the beach.~“Bell “ in a 15 second Fibonacci sequence. ~Guided imagining for becoming more connected to your inner self, and your higher self.

3 Musings -   36 minutes   ~Water, East



Act 1- InTent/Opening Meditation.

The mix. ~Nature Sounds -rain on a tent, thunder, creek and birds.~Music~ Anna Wise and Josh Leeds. ~Vibrations and bells.~Guided meditation.

Act 2-Inventory.~Words~ mostly Jose Stevens ~Music~ Mark Prichard & Thom York, Beautiful People~Nature~ gentle stream

Act 3- Musing ~Music ~Bach Cello Suites, # 5 in C Minor, #6 in D and # 1, Prelude. Anner Bylsma  ~Nature~ fire and  lake waves. The bell is in a  40 second Fibonacci sequence.  And a bowl-C-F#


Father Reason, LSD-    21:37 minutes  ~ Air, South corner



~Words, >2 -Rumi poems  “Father reason. “&  “Reed Cane”. I tell a Goldfish tale. And words from Dr. Christopher Basch's book "LSD and the Mind of the Universe"

~Music by Chris Potter Underground, covering a Radiohead song,”Morning Bell”

~Nature, whale song, birds crackling fire and stream~Bell is in an 18 second Fibonacci


This is how we Walk on the Moon   Fire~  West Corner.                      15 minutes ~.



Hummingbird Sage Prayer Path

Note- At 2.2 minutes, when I say “we begin” open your eyes and look at the image below, each symbols on the image is a stop on the path. The symbols hold the essence of the asking and the direction of the prayer.

~Mix: Nature sounds- stream and birds. Music- part of Sound Mind Sound body, Anna Wise & Singing Bowls. ~The Bell is in a 30 sec. Fibonacci sequence.      

This is how we walk on Moon  Mix:~Music by Jose Gonzales, “This is how we walk on the moon”~Nature Sounds include two streams and bird songs. ~Tones and vibrations ~9 different Tibetan bowls, 528 Hz Hertz, and The Bell in a 30 second Fibonacci sequence.


ConTents &  Mix of soundscapes in


Play: _Earth~ Becoming~ in 3 Acts-.m4a

Play: _ Air~Father Reason~Goldfish~LSD.m4a

Play : Becoming ~ Prayer Path and Archetypes

Play : InTent~1st visit.mp3

Play: _Chakras,Bells & whales.mp3

Back to top


3 Rumi , Miranda and Waves.    Mix.~Music by Miranda Lehman, “Misty Forest Promenade” Korova ~Nature~Waves through pebbles and river through rocks ~The bell to take you deeper is in a 14 second Fibonacci sequence. ~528 Hz

~Words ~3 Rumi poems; A Bowl, Wax and No Room for For Form

A Community of the Spirit.   Mix~ Words~ Rumi poem.  ~Music~ Andrew Bird, You Woke Me Up.     ~ Nature~ crickets and owls.



The Face of Love.   Mix~ Nature~ Whale song ~Music~ Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Eddie Vedder, “The Face of Love”~ Words~Adishanti and Mark Nepo from “7000 ways to Listen”


The Many Wines.  Mix.~Words ~ Rumi, The many wines.~Music ~ Rival Console,  ”Think Tank”             ~ Nature ~ Elk and wind recorded at Yellowstone. Vibrations ~ Shawn Oster-Raise positive vibrations 528Hz, The bell is in a 1 min. Fibonacci sequence


Rabbit ~Fear >Courage   Mix~Words derived from Butterfly Spread in Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson. ~Nature sounds ~ Dark cave Ambience and a cave in Tibet. Icebergs grounding. Booming Sand vibrations.The wing beat of a grouse and a single butterfly flapping its wings in someone’s backyard.  ~Music~ Bach, Toccata And Fugue In D Minor. Mostly slowed down.


Eagle, legalize freedom.    Mix. ~Words ~from Medicine Cards, Jamie Sams & David Carson ~Music ~Andrew Bird -“Death Dance.”~ Nature~The Upsweep, a  mysterious underwater sound, & Geysers in Yellowstone ~ Vibrations~Big Sur bell in Fibonacci sequence, and the middle part of  Deep Acoustic Binaural, by Shaun Oster.




Chakra meditation with Whales  ~Nature ~Whale song ~ Music ~ the middle bit from Sound Mind/Sound Body by Anna Wise and Josh Leeds.


InTent Meditation 1st visit.   Mix ~Nature~ Rain on a tent, bird song and a gentle stream. ~ Music~ Early part of  Sound Mind/Sound Body by Anna Wise and Josh Leeds. ~ Words~ Guided meditation

Mixes and ConTents of the Soundscapes  on the Trail Map
Fox tells the purpose of InTent
Inspired verse
   Listen on ~~~~>

The mix. ~Words~mostly from Medicine Card   ~Co-created music ~wind harp and wave organ.~Nature sounds ~whale song, waves and birds.  ~Frequencies and vibrations ~ 528 Hz Solfegio

Words from Mystics, Shamans, card spreads & poets

Play: 5~ Fractures~Balance~ Acts 1, 2 &3  



Contemplation, Father Reason,   12.47 minutes


~Co-created music~Wind harp at the beach.

~The Bell is n 30 second Fibonacci sequence.

~Nature~ bird song, crickets and owls


Myth 21         21.4 minutes  


~Music ~is nine different Tibetan bowls. ( F-B ,A#-G, C-G, C-F, A- E7, F-A #, Crystal E,C#-G,?)

~Nature~ Two streams woven together.


~Nature~ birds a creek and Dawn chorus at RSPB nature reserve.

~Music ~ Moby, parts of 3 songs ~Overland. The Come Down. And Heaven.

~ 528 Hz and the bell is in a 30 second Fibonacci sequence. The A#-E on the rim.

Escorted by Birds and Moby

Threads to the Threshold

Act 3  ~  Music ~ John Coltrane, Equinox    ~Nature ~ Owls & crickets,      ~ Bell in a Fibonacci Sequence

Act 2-     A Community of the Spirit           Mix  ~Words~A Rumi poem           ~Music~ Andrew Bird, You Woke Me Up~ & ~Nature~ crickets and owls.

Act 1. -Humming meditation.   Mix~Nature ~ 2 streams woven together.~Music~ 7 Tibetan bowls.

Stop #5.   Fractures & Balance        23 min

Play : Prince of Wands, Stop 6 ~ act 3,on Thread to Threshold.m4a

Prince of Wands,  Stop #6- 3rd. act         9.50 min.             The Mix

~Nature ~frogs recorded Yellowstone National Park. ~Music includes Colin Vallon , “Sisyphe” and Burial, part of “Prayer” and “Truant”. The bell rings in a 30 second Fibonacci sequence. ~Words sourced from Carolyn Myss & Charles Eisenstein.

A transformation practice                                       8.57 min.   


The Imagining ~ coming into alignment with the greater being of who you are.   Nature ~ a gentle stream and birds.~ Tones & Vibrations ~Tibetan bowls. Music ~ The middle section from Sound mind/Sound body by Anna Wise and Josh Leeds. Words~ some words from Tarot cards

Heart Moves Meditation                10.34 Min  

Music ~ 2 Wind harps (CoCreated music)Tones ~ a bit from Rise Positive Vibrations 432 hz. by Jason Stephenson.

Nature~ Birds and gentle waves. Words~ ~Guided meditation.

Play : A Practice for Becoming

There are nine stops on this journey. Steps on a path to a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible.

           Each Stop has three acts.

Act 1~ Mind state~ A variety of meditations.

~Act 2~Inspiration.~ Words from poets, mystics and cards.

~Act 3~ Contemplation & guidance derived from a Tarot card spread.

Play : Heart Moves Meditation

Evolve Trail ~ fill in Personal Content on the 3 paths  that exit this trail
7 of Swords

Play : Contemplation~Father Reason.m4a

Play  : Myth - 21 min #1.mp3

Play : Escorted by birds, Moby and tones

Trail Head Breakdown   ~   3 choices                     ~Trails, ~Threads and ~Tune in.

Each Trails divide into multiples of three directions. The Threads each point to guidance and choices in nine directions. And the Tune in has three choices.      ~3 Trails are ~ Evolve  ~ Surrender   ~Explore~

~Evolve~.  Pass over the energetic bridge  to places where you engage in a conversation, relationship a partnership through a language of energetics. Imagination and co-creation happen here.  3 paths leave the first fork. ➡️Shift , archetypal adjustments. ⬇️CoCreate - projects and ⬅️Guidance . InBody

~Explore~. InVision. Over the imagination bridge. This Trail  is leading to where we InVision ; new forms, New Earth , and new ways of being and perceiving. Homo luminous. The shift in energetics, frequency, vibrations. From here are 3-paths to choose: 1-ReSieve- A sieve separate solids from liquids and liquids from vapors. Receive from all of the senses, from the five physical and five invisible . shift from scattered to focused. ~on the path ~ReCreate ( build creative power..)~on the path~ New Form.  -(ReNew, ReForm.) InVision New Earth

~Surrender~. Over the vibration bridge.  ~Trust ~ Prayer~ Awakening ~


~ 3 Threads out of the Train Head

The ~Thread to the Threshold~ is a 9 step journey.  It is a Song line.  Link below, to Mixcloud, to listen to the 9 Episodes



The Pearls of the Enneagram threads are nine Enneagram points of view for finding purpose. See above.

The thread to Amplify  



~ 3-Tune Ins-   3 SoundscapesSurrender, Open heart Creative powers.

InFill -fill in personal content for  Amplifier

InFill~ Each path  includes place for personal content, Projects, Archetypes,  Cards, Library etc.

Note~ The breath technique, Physiological sigh, goes nicely with this humming.

~Words~ mostly derived from a  Carolyn Myss workshop on managing personal Power and Energy.


InTent 2~ Interconnect

     0ne on one, engaging in conversation, co-creating & guidance

Instructions ~>The Travelers has 3 Roles :>The conductor, the one  who starts and stops the action and who embodies the experience with their being, and movement. > The querier, You asks the questions, Query /Ask/Pray. >And the generator,  Record keeper, to make, and to Manifest.

A traveler participates in the journey by bringing their focus and attention , by opening their imagination and engaging in their creative powers. The experience  can facilitate a conversation,  expand consciousness and open a personal connection with spirit and opportunity to co-create together. Transcend together to the next octave, dimension or frequency on our evolutionarily path.

👂-?-✔️x -💫-🦋.   Listen, follow, let flow through and transcend together to the next higher octave.

Guidance Path ~ List resources, references and directions that would be useful for guidance, like Card decks, a library, etc.

CoCreation Path to Projects and Work in Partnership

Fill in the projects that you are working on together with your Higher Self and guides.    

Archetypal Adjustment off of the Shift Path

--Archetypes are energy guides that direct people towards their spiritual purpose and sacred contracts. Toward our potential.

An Active imagination is an essential tool for shifting your attention, and thus your energy to what you choose to embody.

-Archetypes, generate dimensions. -All archetypal patterns have a spectrum. A high and low, the dark and light. At higher dimensions the polarity starts to diminish. The whole is not divided.

The disk off the Shift Path is where the Traveler fills in the archetypes they recognize in themselves in the 3 groups, The Life Team, The Survival Team and Mystic Team.I put in some examples that I use. Add new ones as they show up along the way. When I am directed here, I can asked my higher self to identify the archetypes that need my attention, that need  a shift in energetics.  I engage my imagination and envision the shift.

I am the alchemist. I can focus my attention, shift my  energy, and shift the magnetics of the patterns.

  • This Map identifies the landscape and destinations.  The soundscapes are located where they serve to illuminate, and illustrate the lessons and creative projects from my inner journeys. I have explored this landscape, logged, mapped and recorded what I've been given. I return to the places when I am guided  to learn more. It is an infrastructure that facilitates a changing conversation.

  • I use the Maps to let my soul decide where we go inside. Where to place my attention, what to imagine and what to create.

Play : ~ Archetypal Adjustments - (Becoming)

The Mix ~Nature Sounds include two streams and bird songs. ~Tones and vibrations ~9 different Tibetan bowls and 528 Hz Hertz, and The Bell in a 30 second Fibonacci sequence. ~Music by ~ Anna Wise & Josh Leeds, and Jose Gonzales, “This is how we walk on the moon”

Theta Trail Map ~ Annotated ~an Infrastructure for personal content

There are (4) maps to work with on this level-  Preflight, Alpha, Theta and Delta.  (2) Legends-  0ne for soundscapes and one for for contemplations. (1) Song Line- Thread to the Threshold, a nine part journey.   (44) soundscapes.

Link to Mixcloud to listen to the Song Line

This is where to go  when called to deepen and intensify your Journey.There are three directions: Breath, Plant Medicine, and Biofield. Each direction has three choices.  On my map, my plant medicine choices are cannabis  and mushrooms. My breath choices are 4-7-8, and Physiological  sigh, (note ~ this pairs well with Humming Meditation) and Biofield, holds crystal and EES.

Work in progress.

The map is both a communication device, and the infrastructure to record your experiences and creations. The map evolves as I evolve

Mixcloud tracks