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Inner  Walkabouts guided by one's inner self


A multi media, multi sence experiance




InTent is an immersive, multi sense experience.  A personal journey into inner space.  I am seeking to extend the capacity and the capability for a deep inner experience. Entering into the tent represents a symbolic shift to an inward focus, a set and setting to expand your band width and the ability to perceive from other senses, like  your heart and soul.

The Visuals are digital prints drawn from my nature photography. The images are on gossamer fabric that move in a gentle breeze, sometimes it looks like the photographs are breathing.  I am exploring different ways to use nature images as a portal to open and expand one's imagination.

The Soundscapes hold space with sounds that drive this experience. They are comprised of  mixes of : nature music, human music, spoken word and sound frequencies and vibrations; including Tibetan bowls, tones that are synced with brain waves, and frequency like 528hz , the "Love frequency". For a pavlovian connection to the deep, I used a Tibetan gong  arranged  in a Fibonacci sequence.  I also found some extraordinary music that was co-created with nature : a wind harp , a sea organ in Croatia and wind blowing through bamboo pipes.

Design principles

1. The majority of materials are reused, repurpose and up cycle. Everything else is off-the-shelf,  like office and sewing supplies, fishing tackle, etc.

2. Zero waste. Designed to the module of the yardage.

3. Easy to remodel and customize.

4. Portable, flexible and light.  It hangs from a single point above and can be hung over the floor. a chair, a bed or a platform, raised or lowered and break down to components.

My Journey      


~Making wise use of what we are given is the focus of my intent ~    Our body is the only earthly vehicle we get to live this life in. For it’s best care and maintenance I decided to learn how to energy test so that I could better support my  health and well being. Learning to test is both simple  and challenging. Making a circuit with one hand and a breaker with the other in order to measure energy is the technique I am learning. (There are other ways to perceive.) The challenge is that the signal can be effected by emotional, mental and physical imbalances. It has required a lot of practice  for me to feel when I have a good  connection. I practiced testing using things that I couldn’t influence.  I mostly tested was a deck Medicine Cards that was given to me some 30 years ago. What got to me right away, was how insightful the messages or “medicine” was/is. From specific questions to general guidance there is always wisdom that helps me on my path.  It became clear that testing allowed me to connect with spirit, or with something greater than myself.

~What I am really curious about  is the connection to spirit that we all recognize when we witness someone transcending the normal, whether through music or poetry, insightful vision, art or the physical expressions of dance and athletics. This has led me down a path that is curious and thrilling. I have entered into a relationships with spirit on many levels; with Nature Spirits for guidance in my garden, with Muses and Devas for creative projects, but especially a relationship with my Higher Self.

The Soundscapes and the 9 episode Journey of Emergence have been informed with this guidance .

I am just a beginner and am using a very simple yes and no system, I am learning as I go, but one thing is clear to me, that it takes practice to evolve and that the practice needs to keep evolving as I grow and transcend.


White Sage paired  with Lichen Facades

Up-Cycled garments

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  ~ Embody Nature ~


Adornment is a very important part of being human. Both to identify you as a part of your "people" and as sovereign  individual. Your body is your framework for expressing your creativity and your connectivity. My Photos  are sourced from nature, so the facades can be used to express a connection or an affinity to nature. They are designed to have  multiple  ways to wear, and a variety of images in each piece. Intended as an attachment, or a cover that can extends the use of existing garments and limit the amount of clothing that one needs.  With a foundation of comfortable and durable clothes the facades can transform the surface to allow one to go from yoga to downtown, to travel lite. 

Sea Foam over Lupine

Water Camo jacket

Drought Rain Coat o/ Mirrored lake Facade.                

Nature Facade