In the near future, a mysterious galactic event triggers a massive the energetics shift within the “children of the Earth” and energetic architecture within planet Earth. The capacity to perceive, connect and interact with the invisible is a new reality. A major evolutionary shift has begun and the new oracles portend a future that is fundamentally unlike what we know. It is coming soon. To ride this evolutionarily wave smoothly requires everyone to enter into a relationship with their Eternal Self. To Create together. Transmute shadows. Ask for Inner self help. Shift consciousness to higher frequencies. Imagine. In the 60s the “wiring” was installed within the structure of the Lymph system. A few people felt and engaged in this system, and more people are discovering it all the time.
BUt Now, a switch that was flipped by the universe, ignited this anatomy system, activating mutations in the DNA. Humanity is making an evolutionarily leap.
The capacity to communicate with positive or negative signal has opened a door to conversation with the invisible.
There are three main characters in the story, and they each are communicating with different Guides and in different ways. There seem to be 3 portals - Nature and Creative. And Mystic/ Oracle connections., This story is primarily focused on the Creative portal The main character, Luna learns to read an energy language *and then begins to work together in partnership with her higher self, and with specialist muses to Co- create what becomes the InTent project.
Download: Pearl at Point 5 ~8_24_24,.m4a
The mix: First part is a clip from Robert Holden‘s Seminar on the Enneagram points of view for purpose. ~Ennea 5. ~ Contemplation for 13 min. ~Music; bits of song by Camille, “Sous le sable”. Agnes Obel, “Aventine”. Nature: Hum of a bee hive. Tones; 136.1 hz and Tuning forks 64 and 68.05 hz
>The Mix: Words, Rumi poems~”Father reason and “Read Cane”. A Goldfish tale and Dr. Christopher Basch -LSD ~Music by Chris Potter underground covering a Radiohead song,”Morning Bell” ~Nature ~ whale song, birds ,crackling fire,a gentle stream and dawn chorus recorded by the Royal society for protection of birds. >Tones : Bells in an 18 second Fibonacci sequence. >528 Hz#02.3>Bells- A#-E Rim, C,E F- B,C#-G
Download: _ Air~Father Reason~Goldfish~LSD.m4a
Download: ~Evolution~Revolution ~1_7_20,.m4a
This part is Interactive and experiential entering through the creative portal. The intent is to facilitate connecting directly with your Higher Self, your Soul self, intuition or, however you call your Eternal self.
Travelers go solo. Except, it doesn’t feel like you are alone, because it is within the inner journey that we more easily engage and listen to our intuition, connect, follow and play together.
First you learn an energy language * (above) to recieve positive and negative signals. Then you ask for directions. The maps are a communication device that facilitate a shift from being leader to following where your Soul wants you to point your attention. Let your Higher Self choreograph your trip.
The structure of the maps are a network of choices that predominately breakdown into threes : Left -right -center. A Trinity infrastructure, fluid yet stable. The choices in the 4 directions are for pointing attention to a creative expression.
The Sample map illustrates the basic structure an iinnerspace map. And it offers three selected soundscapes.
Start at the check in. Ask~ if now is a good time ?, if no, check later. What location? ~If you get the go ahead, ~Ask ~ Left-Right-Center and Follow where they lead. If a soundscape is chosen, make a note of the amount of time and prepare your space with what you need to be comfortable and safe. These are long pieces. Best to listen with headphones or ear buds. Enjoy.
Mix: Music~ EST, “7 Days of falling snow” & “Ballad for the unborn, “Alexis Weissenberg, “Clair de Lune”Anthony and the Johnsons, “Man is the Baby ~Co -Create sound-Wind organ at Vlissingen Netherlands ~ Nature sounds~ 2 forest sound recordings and Red tailed hawk in Yellowstone. Tones , frequencies~ 432Hz, 639 Hs, 528 Hs & 538Hz. C note singing bowl& G note crystal bowl. The Big Sur bell is in a 1 min Fibonacci sequence. Words- derived from a medicine card spread, selected from the book by Jamie Sams & David Carson
The landscapes are populated with symbols that are the destination for audio journeys. The Soundscapes are Mystically source, and Muse designed to shepherd the traveler on an inner space trip. Engaging your imagination and creativity. Focusing your attention for consciously shifting your mind state to higher frequencys. Seeking an awakened brain wave pattern, to receive inspiration and insight.
The 4 corners contain choices for creative expression. If directed to one of these, the intent might be for you to bring this creative expression on your soundscape journey.? or focus your cretive attention somewhere else.
Set in the near future, a mysterious galactic event shifts the energetics within all people and the Earth. This new energetics anatomy system opens everyone to perceptions on new levels. Everyone suddenly has the capacity to connect with their Eternal Self. Recieve a positive or negitive signal.
The InTent installation is a set and setting for interactive experiences through the creative portal. Travelers can connect and follow their intuition to Audio excursions that shift the mind state, inspire imaginings and creativity. The journeys are mystical sourced. The underlying fiction are found in the soundscapes on the maps.
Community and collective. Writing a new story of what it means to be human, based on the principles of the phenomena of Emergence. Where something novel arises ,like magic. Imagining a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible.
New Earth
Matter follows, vision and spirit.
~Assimilate knowledge ~Generate unique insight~Dedicated to a desire for growth, evolving and understanding.Remain committed to this endeavor, and be a light for others on the path.
Explore inner Space and connect with ones Eternal Self.
We are here to experience the wonders of creation and join in creation of beauty and life on earth.
The threshold of the spirit material divide. The doves flight was suddenly interrupted by the invisible. She had just completed a dust bath, and was spooked. Her dust has made it visible. She flew off unharmed.
>Heart in rock-
>Worry doll~ You might ask -"please hold my worries, lighten my load, so I can experience joy and see beauty."
>Nature,~ Shell~ petrified Fibonacci. - resilience
>>Compass- guidance,
>>Level-balance, and cohesion. Achieve a frequency or awakened state of mind, so we can more easily navigate the threshold. Above, >>the pearl and I Ching are were we connect and receive insight and inspiration . This is where deep connecting happens.
>Crystal at the top - The next octave. Imagining Homoluminous. Imagining a more beautiful world are hearts know is possible.
~Short story
~3 Act~ Novel, Audio and Video
Imagine, play have fun. For beginners to practice listening and recieving signals and following.
Let the imagination run wild.
for those who are engaged in an active relationship and Co-create together, in partnership with spirit. Travelers come here to use the space, resources and Maps, to log their own conversations, and “build” their own projects together.
Your Higher self can direct your attention to your
An art installation. An interactive experiences where the audience shifts from observer to traveler with their guide.
Cohesive groups co creating the future.
Play the part. Actively engage.Consciously shift to a point of view of someone who can easily connects to spirit. Ask~ listen ~ follow ~ and trust.
Images with a path for walkabouts
Prayer paths, story lines and other paths of symbols.
The InTent path.
The background image is called flight interrupted. This is path to and through the threshold at the spirit/ matter divide. The symbols that line the paths, provide the space for an evolving journey. They each hold an "idea" where you’re imagining can embark. Ask for help at each stop. Use the power of words to form your intent.
Taort card spread for the structure of a New Story
Top row is Stops 1 through 7
Stop 0 and 8
Each bird is a symbol for a stop on the path. Choose to listen to the whole story line or individual parts that you are called to focus on.
Walkabout with Inner Self
This installation is a set and setting for an interactive experiences through the creative portal. Soundscapes are audio excursions with mystical sourced imaginings and channeled sound. Imagining what humanity is shifting, evolving, and growing into. The symbols link to trips in the landscape that inform the underlying essence of the places on the maps. Each symbol is both a separate and solo experience, and a part of the whole story.
START ~✔️in—( check in). Ask. ie “ Shall we go here? and is now a good time?…. If you get the “go ahead” to explore InTent, follow the choices provided, using your “electrical connection*~signals coming from your heart and soul. >Enter with curiosity, an open imagination and your creative powers.
Places, and activites.
Pre fight: Frequency shift-choices: 1 Amplifiers. -Plant med. -breath -, Biofield, Crystal sound, 40 Hz 2 InBody- move - kata- flow, receive and transmit through your body. 3 The four corners.
The Anteroom, The space that holds the tent. A Study, a studio, or a transformed room, with resources for creative , physical and recording needs. Safe, private and comfortable.
InTent- An aura sized space where your inner self journeys take place. It is vehicle , and it is stocked with Maps and other resources for your travel. The Maps have a collection of audio excursions to choose from. Follow your guidance to one or more of the symbols. Let the landscape unfold as your Higher Self choose for you.
Episode 0 is the Call, the purpose of the Journey.
The 8th stop is the incubator,
The Nature Portal, opens to vast network of support for the health of earth and the body.
The Creative Portal opens the connection to inspiration, flow, and beauty.
The Oracle portal connects to higher levels and teams to receive guidance for the collective.
Inner listening ~”the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”
Soundscapes~ You can listen to the path in it's order or chose a bird that calls to you for it's particular guidance. Listen on mixcloud.
Each episode has three acts. The high bell signals the end of an act.
First ~Mind state, shifting to higher consciousness. Meditations.
Second ~Inspiration. Words from poets, mystics and guidance through cards.
Third ~Contemplation, integration & point of View. The focus of each step on the journey as laid out from a Tarot card spread, guidance for navigating the shift to the higher Octave
>Collective imagining ~Examples of communities and projects that have been informed and co-created.
Findhorn .
Collective - A new story of what it means to be human. Based on the natural phenomenon known as ~Emergence~. Where something novel arises that wasn’t there before. Like Magic This Evolutionary shift will be at at high speed. Please listen to video below.
Co Creating in Cohesive Groups.
The Power of the Collective
Assembling groups of people who together to create an energetic whole, that is far stronger than each individual’s power.
>Human design, Penta.
>Each of the nine Enneagram types.
>Group Meditations at Sacred Sights or Nodes maped by Rory Duff. > Like A band of musicians that transend ..... ?
Projects: 1 Assemble, ““coherent “groups and then determine of a focus or assignment.
2 Determine a set and setting for a group meditation/contemplation and combine the parts into a whole.
3 Record and then share the results, to be added to an even bigger picture. Web/ internet
Vision Tank, Structure to house and provide a set and setting for deeper dive. A longer-term group Meditation, contemplation, integration and Co- creations . To Imagine bigger picture.
⚡️Activity third level :Cohesive groups are created through the Penta in human design. These groups are give a “focus” to collectively imagine. After the session, they combine the individuals imaginings into a bigger picture. 💭one. Focus ~A new story of what it means to be human based on the phenomenon of Emergence. 💭Another focus:: imagine New earth. A more beautiful world our hearts know is possible is imagined. Imagine yourself living in that beautiful, light filled space. Everyone will be shown a different part of the picture. Sometimes through fantasy, comes unity. Nonfiction. Power of the group increases the pace of transformation, speeds up transmutating The Collective Process - The power of the group amplifies and enlightens the the creative path through the shift. make magic happen.
SET & SETTING Options, ideas,
>Hubs -Vision Tank -Sacred spaces - Energy portals.> WEB , inner-net - "cohesive groups" meditating together to bring together a bigger picture.> Festivals, Market place.Systems to establish "coherent groups" ~ Human Design-penta of 5 Enneagram-9 points -Other- Earth energy~ Rory Duff, soul contracts, “The power of eight” etc.The Power of the group, the whole is greater than the parts. Creating potential for emergence.